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Need a strategy to develop business in Brazil?

BBDO - Brazil Business Development Office Program by SIS4Biz: Would a Brazil business structure and an executive team familiar with Brazil at less than 20% of the cost interest you?

Petrobras will invest R$ 225 million and the state (TO) will become a distribution center of fuel to the Country

The executive manager of Petrobras, Sérgio da Silva, said that the company's investment should be around $ 225 million, the project will make the state a center of distribution of fuel for the country. "We are working on an integrated project that will change and the logistics of fuel distribution in the country. We already have the biding process concluded and the selected company already contracted. Our expectation is to produce 30,000 liters of fuel per year and the goal is to reach in 10 years a production of 75,000 liters per year, "he emphasized”.