In the annual report from Anatel, the country’s National Telecommunications Agency, they attributed the strong growth to a combination of granting a number of licenses to small and medium-sized companies as well as the swift responses to requests.
With a 19.2 percent growth in 2010 alone, the change of other services to IP delivery also accounted for the rise.
Even though there has been an increase in wireless broadband services as well as cable broadband, ADSL still remains the dominant method for accessing broadband.
According to, the broadband plan in Brazil which consists of state-owned telco Telebras, which operates a ‘national fibre backbone, offering cheap wholesale access to ISPs which can then pass on these savings to lower-income customers. ’ Informa Telecoms & Media hopes that using this plan will aid in driving up subscriptions to 29.4mn by the end of 2015.